The National Stuffed Shrimp ScholarsPageant™ offers a platform for culinary-inclined males and females ages 13-59-in seven different age categories-to competitively showcase scholarly knowledge of stuffed shrimp origin/history; heart-cholesterol and other health benefits; healthier ingredients and preparation; stage presence and poise; audience engagement; communication skills; time management in culinary endeavors; ability to take directives, and more for an opportunity to be crowned Miss or Mr. NationalStuffed Shrimp Scholar, and reap all associated educational, publicity, notoriety, potential opportunity to work with a celebrity chef, and other benefits. #stuffedshrimppag

"Louisianians and people all over the world just love stuffed shrimp, but we must acquire a taste for healthier versions of this and other scrumptious Louisiana-hailed foods for our own self-preservation at any age."

-Miss National Stuffed Shrimp Scholar 2019: Greshun De Bouse #greshun



© Copyright 2019 Stuffed Shrimp Scholars Pageant™ 
© Copyright 2019 First Move Life Coaching LLC